thanksgiving 2021

There is something special about eating together. The early church was eating together and sharing with anyone they could find. What does that look like for us?

November 28, 2021

Living Thankful in the Squall

We’d like to believe that every time Jesus asks something of us, it will be smooth sailing, but that isn’t always the case, especially if he is trying to shape us.

November 21, 2021

Do You Want To Go Away As Well?

Peter chose to run towards the words of eternal life when others chose to run away from it. Where do you run to when the teaching is hard, and life gets difficult?

November 14, 2021

Am I Supposed To Do It?

This is what Christian people do, they open up their homes and host groups and people. They give and provide for those in need-- that’s what the Bible says anyway.

November 7, 2021

We Are the Children of the Father

Sometimes following God can feel like you are on the receiving end of a wrecking ball. Like you are holding a big “X” on your back.

October 31, 2021

Parenting: A Radical Middle Approach

Parenting is an exercise in intentionality. You can’t ever let your guard down on that. We have to stay intentional. But not just in our parenting...

October 24, 2021

Walking toward Jesus

I can’t expect to pass on anything I don’t keep and model myself. But I also have to share it. The things we are careful to keep are the things we are able to pass on.

October 17, 2021

Are We Destroying our own children?

The Devil’s wrecking ball keeps crashing through morality, integrity, truth… Families are being attacked on every side, but are we wrecking our own children?

October 10, 2021

Children Are…

How are you being intentional about sowing your children into the Kingdom of God?

October 3, 2021

Supernatural Faith

Sometimes God really wants to move and we yield to his tug at our hearts. But when we run through life at 100 miles an hour we don’t always have time to give to God.

August 29, 2021

The Lord Said ask

We draw near to God. We cry out to him. The Bible says, if we draw near to God he will draw near to us.

August 22, 2021

The Crossroads

When you think of real rest, what do you think of? Beaches? Camping? A cup of coffee and the lake? A cup of coffee and a gentle rain?

August 15, 2021

What Jades You?

What does it take to make you cynical enough to slow down, or give up entirely on God?

August 8, 2021

Childlike—Not Childish

Have you ever thought about the way we get childhood and adulthood mixed up? It’s in our nature to be kids when we should be adults and to be adults when we should just be kids. And Jesus tells us to turn and become like children.

August 1, 2021

Jesus’ Passion for You

Today we continue to look at the passion of the Christ, recognizing that it wasn’t all the cross and the beating he took. It wasn’t just his death that defines his passion; it was you.

March 28, 2021

Giving Too Much

What does it take for you to give up on something? What does it take for you to go all in?

March 21, 2021

Jesus’ Passion: Stories of Expectation

Jesus left us parables as warnings, as teachings, and as reminders.

March 14, 2021

The Week Before Easter

One third of the written accounts of Jesus’ 33 years of life, were dedicated to one week of his existence. Just seven days.

March 7, 2021

Because You say So

What would happen if we were to take Jesus at his word?

January 31, 2021

Good Dirt Bad Dirt

Growth is natural. Healthy things grow. You can’t stop growth if the conditions are right.

january 24, 2021

Put Away Your Sword

Put down your sword and pick up the word of God. Sarcasm, snide comments, and judgment only serve to show that we are still sinners.

january 17, 2021

A Blessing for 2021

As we go into 2021 seeking the face of God, let us yield to David’s blessing.

january 10, 2021

What do You want from 2021?

If 2021 is going to be different, you have to change. You have to do something different.

january 3, 2021